The technical installation of phenotyping under controlled conditions

The TPMP (Toulouse Plant Microbe Phenotyping) facility allows automated high-throughput phenotyping under controlled conditions for different plant species and their associated microorganisms. The equipment has been specially designed and adapted to the scientific issues of our community, in particular for studies on plants and their interactions with the biotic and abiotic environment. Unique in France, the facility is dedicated to a large scientific community from the academic or private sector.

  •     High throughput phenotyping under controlled conditions
  •     Targets both model plants and cultivated plants (Arabidopsis, Medicago, Tomato, Sunflower...).
  •     Biotic and abiotic interactions
  •     Open to public and private laboratories
  •     Phenotyping at several "phenomenal" levels

To work with us in controlled conditions, please download the application form and read the charter (same document).
You can return the form once completed to the following address:
For any useful information, you can contact us.

See also

In this folder

TPMP team
The personnel mobilized in the TPMP technical installation
Infrastructures TPMP
A specially designed technical installation with greenhouses, robots and instruments for the phenotyping of whole plants in interaction with the environment.
Phenotyping robot OmniLog
Thanks to an OmniLog robot, TPMP allows the phenotyping of microbes.
From data collection to automated processing
Illustration PhenoToul
Flagship projects in which the system is engaged

Modification date: 07 June 2023 | Publication date: 26 October 2020 | By: Bastien Dailloux